University research on the role of football in response to military conflict

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University research on the role of football in response to military conflict


Dear all,

Leading up to the Euro tournament in June this year, I am conducting some research looking at fans’ views towards the role of football in response to military conflict. For those interested in this topic, I have created a short survey that should not take up too much of your time: ... JfShOSBDDw

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this topic.
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Re: University research on the role of football in response to military conflict


Many thanks to those who have completed the survey. It is still live if anyone has a spare few minutes to share their thoughts.
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Re: University research on the role of football in response to military conflict


Survey still live if anyone has a spare few minutes.
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Re: University research on the role of football in response to military conflict


Last shout to see if anyone has a spare few minutes to help me out with this research project.
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Re: University research on the role of football in response to military conflict


sport should have nothing to do with any military action whatsoever and shouldn't be associated in any context
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Re: University research on the role of football in response to military conflict


4evablu wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:21 am sport should have nothing to do with any military action whatsoever and shouldn't be associated in any context
Couldn't disagree more, but each to their own.
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Re: University research on the role of football in response to military conflict


Bluedylan1 wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:44 am Couldn't disagree more, but each to their own.
Not having read the quetionnaire as it was taken off by the time i read it...I think i read this title wrong TBH i read it as football being a part/reason for military action.... until i read your post mate..lightbulb moment...

then realised it was about sanctioning countries through sport bans etc... ( i think)
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